Saturday, October 27, 2012

Kars4Kids Exposed by RipOffReport

As reported at TheRipOffReport, Oorah and Kars4Kids are a known scam:

Lakewood-Based Haredi Charity Uses Deceptive Advertising, Bad Charity Practices, Apparent Trademark Infringement

The Lakewood, NJ-based Kars4Kids is a front for Joy For Our Youth, which itself is a front for Oorah, a haredi missionary organization. The Saint Louis Post Dispatch reports on the deceptive advertising used by Kars-For-Kids, and the questionable business practices of Oorah:

Radio jingle is catchy-and it may catch you

By Bill Smith



One of the hottest musical offerings of this holiday season may be a catchy radio jingle for a New Jersey-based vehicle donation program:

"1-877-KARS4KIDS. . . K-A-R-S, cars for kids . . . 1-877-KARS4KIDS. . . Donate your car today."

The advertising spots, which have been airing on KMOX since before Thanksgiving, offer few details on the vehicle donation program. They tell listeners the program is a "recognized charity" and donors will receive a "maximum deduction" from the Internal Revenue Service for their vehicles. The ad also says donors will receive a "free vacation voucher" good for a three-day, two-night stay.

What is left unsaid, and what also is conspicuously absent from the charity's Web site, is that almost all money raised through the Kars4Kids charity goes to a Lakewood, N. J.-based program set up to pay for private schooling and other educational programs. It aims to bring Jewish schoolchildren and adults closer to their heritage.

A 2004 report from the Better Business Bureau's national office, the most recent available, is tough on the Kars4Kids and related JOY For Our Youth program. The report says the charity may not meet at least eight of the BBB's 20 standards for charity accountability.

Among the BBB concerns:

The group's board of directors does not provide adequate oversight of the charity's organization and staff.

The group has declined to make public annual financial statements or annual reports.

The group does not have a board-approved budget.

Despite requests, the charity has not provided the BBB with fundraising and informational materials about its programs.

A BBB official says 70 percent of the national charities it has scrutinized meet all of its accountability standards.

Officials with Kars4Kids and JOY For Our Youth did not responded to several Post-Dispatch requests for information about either its advertising campaign or its programs.

The radio advertising spots refer listeners to the group's Web site at As of Tuesday, the site said car donations benefit JOY for Our Youth, which it describes as "an international organization providing for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of distressed and at-risk youth."

The site also says that JOY was established in 1996 "to help those children who were on the streets with no one to turn to for help. JOY stepped in to fulfill a need for children who had nowhere to go and no one to turn to for help."

None of the Web site information indicates that Kars4Kids or JOY have any ties to a specific religious group, but federal tax records paint a different picture.

JOY's 2003 tax filing with the IRS - the most recent available - reports that its only only grant that year, for $207,000, was made to a nonprofit group called Oorah Inc. Tax records for both JOY and Oorah list the same New Jersey address.

While phone calls placed to Oorah also were not returned, that group's Web site says it was founded in 1980, "with the goal of awakening Jewish children and their families to their heritage.

"We seek out families who are interested in enriching their spiritual lives and provide them with the right resources to succeed."

The site also says Oorah enables children to enroll in Jewish day schools or yeshivas and brings "adult education opportunities to the parent, as well as all the ritual objects and support they need to live a full Jewish life."

A January 2005 story in New York's The Jewish Week said Oorah recruits potential students by going "door-to-door" in search of unobservant Jewish families receptive to the idea of sending their children to day school.

The article quotes Oorah's head, Eli Mintz, as saying: "I think it's the right of every Jewish child to know his tradition. And for him to really know his roots and who he is, not to intermarry, to keep his Jewish identity, without a yeshiva education, he doesn't have a clue."

The story says Mintz takes no salary but added that "he does not explain the source of his income."

Bennett Weiner, chief operating officer with the Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance, said federal tax rules on car donations were tightened beginning with this year. Prior to this year, most donors could claim a tax deduction in the amount of the fair market value of the donated vehicle. Now, if the charity or its agent resells a donated car, the donor in most cases is able to take a deduction only for the amount of the car sale.

Weiner also said car donations have become increasingly popular among charities, which usually negotiate with third-party brokers to pick up and sell the cars for them.

Weiner urged that vehicle owners research a charity's programs, finances and governance before making a donation.

He did not criticize the Kars4Kids program, saying the BBB reports serve only as a guide to help prospective donors decide whether they should give to a specific charity.

Kars-For-Kids describes Joy For Our Youth this way:

Your car donation to Kars-4-Kids™ will benefit Joy for Our Youth. J.O.Y. is an international organization providing for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of distressed and at-risk youth.…

JOY is a registered international, 501(c)(3), non-profit organization providing developmental programs for at risk youth. JOY provides food, clothing, shelter, health and wellness, education, after school programs, special training, mentoring, tutoring, private counseling, summer programs, and guidance to children from the ages of six to eighteen.

Established in 1996 to help those children who were on the streets with no one to turn to for help. The dire situation of many young children was at dangerous levels. JOY stepped in to fulfill a need for children who had no where to go and no one to turn to for help. JOY has blossomed into an international organization helping to alleviate the problems of hundreds of children, and finding solutions that work.

Yet, all of Joy's money goes to Oorah, which describes itself this way:

Oorah, which means "Awaken," was founded in 1980 with the goal of awakening Jewish children and their families to their heritage.

We seek out families who are interested in enriching their spiritual lives, and provide them with the right resources to succeed.

We enable children to enroll in Jewish day schools or yeshivos, where they receive a full religious and secular education straight through high school.

While the children learn and grow, we bring adult education opportunities to the parents, as well as all the ritual objects and support they need to live a full Jewish life.

Oorah has the endorsements (Download oorah_rabbinic_endorsements.pdf) of many haredi gedolim and rabbinic leaders, including many who sigined the Rabbi Slifkin Ban, and a who's who of Modern Orthodox leaders as well, including YU's Rabbi Modechai Willig, the OU and YU's Rabbi Menachem Genak, and the Beit Din of America's Rabbi Michael Broyde.

Also note that Kars-For-Kids and Joy For Our Youth have apparently stolen the trademarked Dummies symbol from the Dummies Guides series and used it for a "Dummies Guide To Car Donations" and for a "Dummies Guide To In Kind Donations" on their respective websites.

UPDATE #1: Steven I. Weiss notes that the Kars4Kids website is registered to Rabbi Eliyohu Mintz, who also heads up Oorah. Oorah's president is Rabbi Chaim Mintz, a senior official at the Yeshiva of Staten Island.

Kars4Kids / Oorah Blog Used To Hide Overall Scam

The multiple Kars4Kids sites such as their blog are used cleverly to cover up the facts that:

1. Kars4Kids gives what little money it actually gives away to ultra Orthodox Jewish yeshivas that it affiliates with
2. Most of the $30 million that Kars4Kids / Oorah takes in is used to support founder Eli Mintz elaborate lifestyle.

Look at how much real estate the "charity" has purchased in the last few years and now claims "investment losses" for.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Kars4Kids Fools the Public Again

Note that many car-donation websites are all owned by Oorah / Joy For Our Youth (aka, "JOY") which claims to raise monies for Jewish children "at risk". But very little of the $30+ million they receive each year actually goes to any "at risk kids" - some monies go to ultra-Orthodox Jewish yeshivas (private schools) and MOST seems to go to real estate controlled by Kars4Kids' founder and CEO Eli Mintz.

The following are some of the aliases that Kars4Kids / Oorah / JOY / Eli Mintz operate under:

Don't be fooled by the expensive jingle on the radio: Kars4Kids has been under investigation by attorney generals in many states and is still reportedly being examined by New Jersey, New York and New Mexico. DO YOUR HOMEWORK - see if anyone has actually received a "free" vacation or where the money really goes. Bernie Madoff was trusted, too... until the authorities finally shut him down.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

TimesReporter in Ohio Shows Kars4Kids Under Investigation

Anna Lee Brendza, The Times-Reporter’s consumer columnist, is looking into the Kars4Kids scam. If you have information or complaints, contact her by writing Hot Line, The Times-Reporter, Box 667, New Philadelphia 44663 or emailing

Kars4Kids Offer of a Vacation Exposed

Kars4Kids promises donors a free vacation with their donation. But the internet is filled with complaints that all the donor received was a "vacation voucher"--a slip of paper entitling them, at the end of the day, to frustration...but no vacation. Click here to read about this scam.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Kars4Kids (aka Oorah) Swindles Hispanic Workers Out of Pay

As reported by The Asbury Park Press, more than 30 workers and others affiliated with a workers' advocacy group were forced to protest outside the gates of Oorah (aka Kars4Kids) in Lakewood, NJ. The workers said they were part of construction and janitorial crews that helped build and clean BoyZone, a Jewish boys' camp in the northwestern Catskills Mountains of Upstate New York. The camp is owned by Oorah (Kars4Kids). The workers said they worked there for about five months.

Andrew Cuomo Subpoenas Kars4Kids; Says "Charity" Takes New Yorkers for a Ride

Good-hearted New Yorkers who donate their used cars to charity may be being taken for a ride, Attorney General Andrew Cuomo said Tuesday.
Announcing a sweeping probe of hanky-panky in the vehicle-donation business, Cuomo said some charities appear to be pocketing the proceeds from car sales instead of helping the needy.

Read more here

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Whole Truth About Eli Mintz's Kars4Kids "Charity"

Here's the tip of the iceberg (click on the links to read more):

"Kars4Kids steers donors in the wrong direction" - Consumer reporter and AOL columnist Mitch Lipka looks at some of the slight-of-hand that Kars4Kids is playing and discusses where the millions they collect supposedly goes... and doesn't go.

Pennsylvania Attorney General says Kars4Kids misleads doners. looks at how Kars4Kids is fooling people.